Learning how to manage money is a valuable life skill that most of us are not taught. In these tough economic times, financial planning is even more important. If you’ve decided to seriously manage your personal finances yourself, you’re in luck. There have never been more resources to teach people how to manage money, invest and plan for the future than available today. And they are all free online!
These personal finance sites are user-friendly and provide a secure way for you to track spending, create a budget and use calculators to help you analyze your financial decisions.
Here are some of the top-rated free money management tools you may want to check out:
Mint is a popular online site that’s designed to track cash flow and budgeting. It will help you analyze your finances and offer suggestions on how you can save on common expenses.
You can set savings goals and the site even offers free apps so you can track your spending from your Smartphone.
If you are looking for something simple, BudgetSimple could be for you. One of the easiest ways to create a budget, It allows you to track your expenses, manage your bills, and learn how to live within your means. Plus, you can view your progress with the help of charts and other visuals.
SmartyPig is an online piggybank for people saving for specific goals like a new mountain bike, a down payment on a home or a vacation. It allows you to set up savings accounts, establish your savings goals and track your progress right on the site.
BudgetPulse.com offers a simple budget system that allows you to monitor your spending and savings. What's more, it features the ability to track finances in several currencies, which makes it especially appealing for pilots who travel the world.
All of the above tools are free, so try them all out and see what suits your needs best!
You may just find that you enjoy having greater control over your finances without having to pay a professional for help.
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