Trust and respect are at the heart of any meaningful community, and that’s our aim. We want everyone to feel welcome on Airside and have put a lot of thought into creating guidelines that reflect our goals and priorities. As we move forward, we’ll continue to evolve our policies with your help and constant feedback to make sure everyone’s voice is heard. We appreciate you taking a few minutes to read our guidelines. Thanks!
Airside was created during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic with the specific goal of bringing the global pilot community together in a single, safe and welcoming space. We’re a community that connects pilots to useful information regarding career opportunities and training opportunities as well as healthful ideas on health, personal well-being, and other lifestyle topics. We think it’s a really unique place. We hope you do too.
As a professional community (an online feature in which members relate common experiences and interests), we aim to provide a safer space and professional setting for pilots to share, network, connect and support one another.
Everybody that contributes to Airside is a valuable participant that helps shape the culture of our community. And, we want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable every time they visit Airside. Our guidelines help ensure just that.
We are always respectful to others and DO NOT allow posts, comments, images, or videos which:
Are offensive, insulting, harmful, or disrespectful
Are explicit or include profanity
Are discriminatory in any way
Contain personal attacks or critiques
Contribute to a negative or unwelcoming community spirit
If you see something that doesn’t comply with our Community Guidelines, you should report it to Airside by emailing Reporting brings it to the attention of the Community Team who will review it and take the appropriate action.
If a person breaks a Community Guideline, the post may be removed. That person may also receive a message explaining why the content was removed. They may also receive a warning about their ability to post any further content. REMEMBER: Any violations of our Community Guidelines can result in the permanent loss of posting privileges. The strict way we enforce these Guidelines is a reflection of the importance we place on our core principles and our commitment to fostering an enriching community for pilots.
Thanks for reviewing our Community Guidelines! See you on Airside.
welcome aboard the new airside
We took our community to the next level with an elevated look, innovative features, and new tools.